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One of my favorite face mask is a little honey and lemon. 
If you have any questions or comments that you don't want to leave in the comment section, please  feel free to email me at:  ewoosley3@gmail.com

 Hi! My name is Emily Woosley. I have been a cosmetologist for 15 years. During that time I have used countless amounts of different beauty products. As I began having own children I started paying attention to what the ingredients were in the products I was buying. I was so overwhelmed with the long list of ingredients that I totally fell for the sales pitch on the front of the packaging. If it says “organic” or “natural,” it must be, right? Not necessarily!

 I slowly began to educate myself about the ingredients in the products I was using. In that time I discovered there were some bad ingredients in products that I used on myself and my family every day. That opened my eyes and really ticked me off. I was mad. I was being lied to. This discovery put me at a crossroads. Do I ignore the research (which would be a heck of a lot easier to do)? Or do I change my products and stop putting them on my family?

 I made the decision to only buy beauty products that weren't harmful. Unfortunately, my journey down that road ended fast. I found that 99% of the products that I was looking at had junk in them. Now what was I going to do? It was then that I decided that I would make them for my family. 

 I have been slowly replacing all the toxic products in my home with Real ones using only healthy and safe ingredients that were made from the earth and not in some lab. I have continually researched these ingredients and revised the recipes making it just right for us. During this four year journey I have been on, I have found that I love it!! 

 I'm passionate about what I put on my loved ones skin and I want to give others that same option for them and their family. I don't want you to fall for the same lies I did. I'm here to educate you with what I've learned and provide a product that is simple, truly organic, truly natural and truly REAL.
Real's first open house!